24x7 Support

24/7 customer support

Our staff of professional consultants is ready 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for just about any questions that you might have concerning our Linux semi-dedicated services. Irrespective of whether you call for tips or have a serious difficulty to handle, we’re here to show you how to. You might e–mail us via email or by way of the ticket platform. A 1–hour answer is warranted. You may also ring us on the telephone or take advantage of the real–time chat support during company hours.

24x7 Support

Web App Installer

40+ free applications to select from

Setting up a web application might be a lengthy and difficult experience. Unless you have an App Installer with more than 40 readily available free applications, which you can set up with a a mouse–click. We have made the configuration as hassle–free as possible, to make sure you no more have to dedicate your time concerned about the best way to set up your apps. We will as well keep your login information in the App Installer in the event you fail to remember your details.

Web App Installer

Web Stats

Web Hosting Control Panel–included site reports

Through the App Installer, you can both be in charge of and check your web pages. Every single Linux semi-dedicated service is provided with a number of web statistics tools. You can obtain them in the Stats Manager area of the Web Hosting Control Panel. You could make use of the widespread AWStats and Webalizer tools or make use of our newly created, accurate data software tool, that provides a simple and useful web analytics user interface. With Linux Hosts Inc., you will get precise information concerning your web site’s views and customers directly in your Web Hosting Control Panel.

Web Stats

SSD Drives

Instantly enhance the quickness of your site

Should you want to grant your web site a efficiency boost, all you have to do is just web host it with us. All of our Linux semi-dedicated services are equipped with solid–state drives, therefore on each server you will take full advantage of unequalled reading/writing speeds, that will help your web site come up faster.

Combined with the great online connectivity available from our data center in USA, your Internet site will instantly start running speedier with no requirement for any adjustments on your end.

SSD Drives

Remote MySQL Access

Distant MySQL links

Configuring a remote database connection may be hard with other hosting providers. But at Linux Hosts Inc., we have made this particular procedure pretty simple – all you should do is indicate the IP address of the hostname you need to give access to a data base and our intelligent platform will do the rest. A distant MySQL link can be truly helpful if you desire to share a database among numerous web pages.

Remote MySQL Access

  • Service guarantees

  • Each of our Linux semi-dedicated services is going to be setup for your needs at no charge. 99.9% service uptime. SSH access rights.
  • Compare our prices

  • Check out our prices and pick the most suitable semi–dedicated server for your growing websites. Advance to a more advanced server set–up with just a click.
  • Compare Semi-dedicated servers
  • Contact Us

  • Get hold of us whenever you want by email or through our Control Panel included ticketing system. 1–hour reply time guarantee.