Free Templates

More than 100 charge–free site layouts inside the Control Panel

Are you looking for a new template for your Wordpress personal blog? Alternatively, do you need a new fresh web design layout for your Joomla–based site? You can select from over 100 cost–free website themes straight from inside the Linux Hosts Inc. Web Hosting Control Panel. Simply select the web design theme of your choosing and install it on your site with a single click of the mouse. Your brand new web site will be set up with its very own exclusive design in a matter of minutes. And you won’t even need to abandon your hosting Control Panel!

Free Templates

24x7 Support

24–7–365 Tech Support

Our team of competent techs will be available twenty–four–seven for any questions that you might have regarding our shared web hosting solutions. Whether you need suggestions or have a significant problem to settle, we’ll be here to help you. You can get in touch with us via e–mail or via the ticket platform. A sixty–minute response time is guaranteed. You can also give us a buzz or use the live chat service during work hours.

24x7 Support

Website Installer

Publish your own website with just a mouse click

All our web hosting plans offer you a quick way to develop your very own site, even if you do not have any tech skills. Thanks to the Quick Site Installer built into the Linux Hosts Inc. Web Hosting Control Panel, developing your personal or business site is amazingly simple – all you have to do is to pick the type of web site that you want as well as a preferred web design layout. We’ll set up your brand new web site in a second and will give you information on how to control it with one click.

Website Installer

Web Stats

Web hosting Control Panel–integrated site statistics

From the Web Hosting Control Panel, you’ll be able to both manage and monitor your websites. Each and every shared web hosting pack offers a bunch of web stats tools, which you’ll see in the Web Stats Manager section of the hosting Control Panel. You can use the popular Webalizer and AWStats web statistics tools or make use of our newly created precise web statistics tool, which includes a handy web analytics graphical user interface. With Linux Hosts Inc., you will find comprehensive information about your website’s traffic and visitors right in your hosting Control Panel.

Web Stats

30–Day Money–Back Guarantee

A riskless web hosting service. You’ll receive a full refund if you’re not happy

In case, for any reason, you are not happy with the shared web hosting service or with our tech support service, you will be able to make use of our 30–day MBG. All you have to do is send a reimbursement request via our ticket platform and our sales agents will take care of it. Have in mind that domain registrations are final and non–refundable.

30–Day Money–Back Guarantee

Web App Installer

A one–click Web Apps Installer with over 40 PHP scripts

Within the Web Hosting Control Panel there’s a fast, one–click App Installer tool, via which you can install over 40 free–of–charge PHP scripts. It is to help you publish your online diary, forum, online photo album or web store online within seconds. Just select your preferred software, fill in several details and hit the Install button. And that’s it! Our system will accomplish the installation on your behalf in seconds. Absolutely no code to write, absolutely no software to configure.

Web App Installer

Website Builder

Create your very own personal website with a single click today

Our cloud web hosting packages offer a user–friendly Complimentary Web Site Building Instrument. You can find it in the Web Hosting Control Panel. The tool offers a collection of 100+ business and personal web design skins as well as time and effort saving web site administration graphical user interface. All you need to do is pick out a site skin and after that upload your images and add text with just a mouse click. When you’re ready, hit the Publish button and your websites will be published to the web immediately.

Website Builder

True Cloud Platform

Take a Tour

We have utilized the latest cloud server technologies when building our own web hosting system, which is invulnerable to unexpected service disruptions and outages. All the services associated with your website such as DNSs, e–mails, databases, web applications, etcetera are taken care of by different machines so that even if there is an excessive load problem, your website will still be running smoothly.

True Cloud Platform

  • Service guarantees

  • Linux Hosts Inc.’s bundles come with zero installation fees and also a 30 day reimbursement guarantee. Linux Hosts Inc.’s common reply–back time frame is usually 20 minutes.
  • Compare our prices

  • Take a look at our rates and decide on the ideal hosting service for your personal or business web sites. You’ll be able to transition to a more feature–rich bundle with simply a click of the mouse.
  • Compare our hosting plans
  • Contact Us

  • You can easily get in touch with us throughout business hours on the phone for just about any general data.