Administration Services

  • Monitoring & Rebooting
  • Monitoring & Rebooting

  • Server managing is a rather challenging duty for inexperienced VPS customers – you need to check how your VPS is doing, to see if it’s overloading, to find out if all the services are performing properly. It is a task that needs uninterrupted attention, and you most likely don’t have time to deal with this. For this reason, we offer that we take care of the task instead of you. If you make use of our Administration Services offer, we will be keeping a constant eye on your VPS and all the services running on it. This way you will have more time for your web sites or web applications.

  • Backup Space (50 GB)
  • Weekly Backups

  • Keeping a backup copy of your hosted content is highly recommended – you never know when something could go wrong. And with our Administration Services option, you will enjoy weekly backups of your whole VPS, not only of your content, without you needing to set up or configure anything. Last but not least all the backups are stored on a server with multiple RAID–configured disk drives. In other words, your hosted content will always be protected, irrespective of what happens.

  • Installation & Troubleshooting
  • Installation & Troubleshooting

  • Having a Linux Virtual Private Server, you have absolute freedom to install any kind of script or service on your it. Yet, some scripts are harder to install and may require some extra setup from you. This is when our Administration Services option will come in real handy. It includes 30 minutes of installation & trouble–shooting duties – which means you’ll be able to basically hire one of our seasoned server admins for 30 minutes and have him assist you with the installation of any app whatsoever that you desire. Alternatively have him take care of a problem that you are having with your Virtual Private Server.

    The Administration Services package comes bundled with most of our OpenVZ Linux Virtual Private Servers and it is an optional feature with the KVM Linux Virtual Private Servers.

Available with all Virtual Private Servers