• Help Center
  • Simple to Get

  • Obtaining a new SSL certificate will not get any easier than this. You simply purchase it straight from your personal Web Hosting Control Panel and it’ll be prepared for you in minutes. You don’t have to stop at a diverse company used just for an SSL and no more being made to wait for weeks to get it made.

  • Easy to Install
  • Easy to Install

  • In case a domain name is hosted in an account with Linux Hosts Inc., you’re able to decide to have your brand new SSL certificate immediately set up. The clever system is to manage most of the labor so you will never have to deal with typical setups.

  • 24x7 Suport
  • 24x7 Support

  • We provide you with 24x7 support with each of the web hosting services. Our help skilled professionals have a lot of expertise working with SSL Certificates and are also happy to help you with any issue that you can face. They need a typical reaction time frame of under 20 minutes!

SSL Prices

Swipe left & right to view all SSLs
SSL 1 year
Regular SSL $30.00
Wildcard SSL $150.00

SSL Certificates with Linux Hosts Inc.

An SSL certificate is usually a must if you are planning to develop or presently have an online store. The point is to try to successfully encrypt the connection in between your user and the website. This way, all the information will be broadcasted in a very secure and protected setting, vastly lowering the possibility of credit card theft or details improper use.

SSL Certificates can also be very helpful if you intend to present your visitors admission to an admin area. If you’ve protected the sign in form with an SSL, the login information will be transmitted in a very protected manner.

All the SSL Certificates issued by Linux Hosts Inc. are based upon industry–leading standards. We partner together with Sectigo to supply a true 2048–bit encryption and a $10 000 USD warranty per SSL. New SSL Certificates are granted in a maximum of 30 minutes right after the order and then the installation is so very uncomplicated. It is possible to prefer to get your personal SSL certificate auto–configured if your primary site is hosted here.

Besides standard SSL Certificates, we as well provide wildcard SSLs. A wildcard SSL certificate is designed for all subdomains of any domain name, when a standard SSL certificate is applicable for one particular host. Wildcard SSL Certificates are really useful if you have a huge website which has an admin area, a web store coupled with a forum, and you rather to safeguard all of them through one certificate.

You will get an SSL certificate with each one of our web hosting services – Linux shared web hosting services, VPS, Linux semi-dedicated services, and dedicated hosting services.

Whois Privacy Protection

Safeguard your own personal WHOIS details

According to regulations adopted by ICANN, the WHOIS information pertaining to your domain is publicly revealed and your personal or business info can be seen on the World Wide Web by anyone. To help you conceal your domain registration details from the public eye, we offer you a WHOIS protection service at a pretty attractive price. In the Domain Manager, just specify the domain that you want to protect and click on the Whois Privacy Protection button on the right to activate this feature.

Please remember that this particular service is available only with the following TLD extensions: .info, .biz, .co, .co.za, .me, .tv, .pro, .cc, .net, .com and .org.

Whois Privacy Protection

Video Tutorials

Integrated instructional videos

Should you face any problems while working with our web hosting Control Panel, Linux Hosts Inc. offers a fast way of solving them – our video tutorials. We’ve created an impressive selection of informative video clips that encompass practically everything you can achieve with Linux Hosts Inc.’s hosting Control Panel – from registering a domain to revising your PHP preferences.

Plus, we’ve got an exhaustive F.A.Q. section, which stores the questions that our client support staff gets asked the most. What’s more, you can always contact our 24/7 tech support staff and have one of our talented techs examine your issue.

Video Tutorials

Multiple Domain Name Administration

Multiple domain control done right

Working with our Domain Manager is very easy, irrespective of whether you have one or numerous domain names to manage. Through its easy–to–work–with interface, you can select numerous domains at the same time and renew them (for one or several years), update their name servers or change the WHOIS details pertaining to them immediately.

If you also have a web hosting account with Linux Hosts Inc., you’ll be able to administer both multiple domains and multiple websites all at once from a single location.

Multiple Domain Name Administration

Domain Name Parking

Domain name parking made uncomplicated

You can park an active domain name by pointing it to one of our two domain name parking themes – Under Construction or For Sale. The domain parking process is truly easy and will go into effect straight away. You’ll be able to park as many domain names as you want. And if you need to un–park the domain name – you can carry out this task with a simple mouse click.

Plus, you can modify our two domain name parking templates using custom images and text so as to make them more unique.

Domain Name Parking

Fully–Featured Domain Manager

Revise name servers, create subdomains, etc.

Within the Control Panel you will find a point ’n’ click domain management interface offering plenty of controls for administering numerous domain names at the same time. You will be able to easily create sub–domain names, redirect websites, update the nameservers or the WHOIS data associated with a domain name, add custom DNS resource records and much more.

Apart from the typical domain name controls, in the Domain Manager you will also find an option to hide your domain registration details using the Whois Privacy Protection feature and also to safeguard your Internet shop’s financial transactions with ordinary or wildcard Secure Sockets Layer certificates.

Fully–Featured Domain Manager
  • Domain Names

  • .BARGAINS - $45.00/year
  • .CAFE - $50.00/year
  • .CAPITAL - $75.00/year
  • Compare Domain Names